Response teams

Domestic and sexual violence can affect many aspects of a survivor’s life, including safety and health, family and work situations, and finances. These challenges often lead to perplexing personal and legal questions. To receive basic assistance, victims often must navigate a maze of governmental and community agencies.

Our Domestic Violence Response Teams (DVRT) and Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) help survivors connect with SAFE services and community resources available to them.

Providing Help for Survivors

Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) and Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) help survivors through the maze of community services available to them, and uses experiences of survivors to improve those services

Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT)

In case of an emergency, call 911. The police can provide valuable assistance and immediate access to a member of the local DVRT. A DVRT member, trained by SAFE, can come to the police department to provide emotional support, information, referrals, and help with safety planning and applying for a temporary restraining order.

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates (CSVAs) are available 24 hours a day to accompany survivors of sexual violence through the forensic examination within five days of the assault, or any reporting thereafter. CSVAs accompany survivors to SART hospitals and police departments throughout Hunterdon County. Their role is to provide survivors with support, information on their rights, and services for follow-up care.

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and reach more of your neighbors in need.